Abstract animation of a small blue fireworks rising from the bottom of the page and stopping at the top.
Abstract animation of small red fireworks rising from the bottom of the page and stopping at the top.
Abstract animation of a large yellow fireworks rising from the bottom of the page and stopping at top.

Media Choices

Different media offer different capabilities and appeal to different audiences, so we make movies from books and books from movies. We illustrate in two dimensions or three, and sometimes add animation. Which works better, a photograph or artwork? These are choices that go directly to cost and benefit. One big question: Should anyone use a capability just because they can?

For example, The animated fireworks on this page may serve to inform you that we can animate a web page, but they might also annoy you as an unnecessary distraction. It depends.

Sometimes there is only one way to go. With regard to the video below, a manufacturer of masonry building products created a new kind of coating for professional masons and painters. But they have all heard “new, “easy to use, “high-quality, “cost effective” and “more profitable” too many times, so we need to show them how the product works.

Unfortunately, it is impractical to demonstrate it in person, and too costly to film and present in live-action detail. We solved both problems with an efficient, animated two-dimensional illustration, a silent point-of-purchase loop.

The video loop below quickly shows painters how this new masonry product can generate profitable new business for them, at the same time that it shows masons how to retain customers who want stucco but only have a paint budget. Then it delivers a deal-closing value statement.

Best of all, contractors see this loop again and again while the clerk is completing their transaction at the check-out counter.

Let’s discuss the best ways to use which media for your message.


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